a blogazine of crime stories and occasional reviews
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Small Press Crime Publishers
Monday, September 19, 2022
23andMe, fiction by Terena Elizabeth Bell
T his all started when Sally asked Jackson if he wanted her old deodorant and he said, No I most certainly do not, why would you ask that, b...
Monday, September 12, 2022
Mezcalero, fiction by Anthony Neil Smith
S ip this. Savor it, hold it in your mouth. Let your tongue embrace it fully. What do you taste? Smoke, you say, sir? People always ...
Monday, September 5, 2022
If You Make It Past The Dogs..., fiction by April Kelly
U nequivocal, those ominous words on the metal sign, but, for the benefit of the illiterate—who make up I’d guess a quarter of the populatio...
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