Sunday, March 12, 2017

More About Book Reviews

I've noticed in the unsolicited book reviews I've been getting for Tough is that the writing in general is good, and the reviewer's chosen good material for review, but the tone is more akin to a lengthy Amazon review. I'm looking for a more formal tone, generally third person, not stuffy, but focused, written by people who've engaged with the crime and literary worlds in their review by referencing other work in the genre(s) and demonstrating at least some familiarity with the current crime fiction scene. I'll be posting new reviews of my own as well as by other writers soon, ahead of the journal's actual debut, so I can lead by example, so to speak, which will help. Stay tuned to this space.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Submissions Still Open

I'm unbelievably pumped for the stories coming out in the next months--can't wait to share them-- but I'm noticing a dearth of women in the inbox.

I know you're out there, and Tough wants your stories.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

First Round of Contracts Are Out The Door

First round of contracts are out the door, and I've accepted two months worth of fiction already that will knock your sox off, if you wear them (I only wear them when I have to). Look for stories every Monday starting July 3rd. J.M. Taylor, Preston Lang, Tony Tremblay, and Michael Bracken will kick it all off.

I'm still looking for reviews and reviewers for July 31 and in subsequent months. Remember, we pay for both reviews and stories.You'll have plenty of lead time to write.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Reviews and Reviewers Needed

Hi folks. Tough's first month of fiction is nearly complete, with three stories in the hopper. On the last Monday of July, I'd like to run a review of a forthcoming or recently published--within the last six months or so--crime book, especially a small press crime novel or story collection. We pay writers $25 for a review of under a thousand words. This review would not be posted until the last Monday of July 2017, so you have some time. Hit me up at with queries or to find out what advance copies I have on hand for which I'd like reviews written.
Thanks in advance--